• A Practical Guide to Cultural Resource Compliance New South Guide to Section 106 Compliance
• Guide on Consultation and Collaboration with Indian Tribal Governments and the Public Participation of Indigenous Groups and Tribal Members in Environmental Decision-Making .EPA - NEJAC
• Strategies for Protecting Archeological Sites on Private Lands
• sample Native American Consultation Programmatic Agreement .pdf
• Native American Affairs and the Department of Defense .pdf
• brochure on Archaeological easements .pdf
• "Conservation Capital: sources of public fundingfor land conservation" in the eastern US .pdf
• Suzan Harjo on Cultural Property Protection law proposal .doc
t h e l a n d & t h e p e o p l e . . .
• maps of the indigenous Southeast from the US Bureau of Ethnology
• Analysis of Swanton's Muskogee Migration Stories .doc
• Swanton on Muskogee-Creek tribal affiliations .doc
• Prehistoric metal workers in the eastern United States
• Koasatis, Napochín, and Yuchis in the eastern Tennessee Valley
• Kolomoki Mounds .doc
email home mission maps